farah fasyalba

To love or not to love;
that is the question.

♥Her Strawberry Shortcakes

♥Her Fats

Her wishes
♥Eternal Love.

Her Life
My 2006 Blog
My 2007 Blog
My 2008 Blog
My Friendster

Her World



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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

dear mr & mrs bloggie…

Sweet batchmates of mine made me laugh just now. I love them!

(Yes, they are reading this so I’m now searching positive words in my vocab book to sing their praises.)

*waves to some busybodies*

Unfortunately we didn’t spend much together because they were….rather…. tired and sleepy. And there I was, up for a “nocturnal” adventure. As a result, I had to do what I had to do…. annoy them to no end.. But it’s ok, they love me.

They are, for all intents and purposes, my good friends, that as well as people for me to bug. To boot, my kor kor and jie jie. And please, it’s not easy for me to open up to people. I’m a shy girl y’all. So they’re pretty much significant in my life right now.

It was a bummer though that my “BFF” Caroline wasn’t around to join forces with me. It would’ve been chaotic.


Oh no…. bet you guys have no friggin idea what I’m talking about so I shall end here and hope this entry is good enough.

Kheh. Ho well. I’ve tried.

