farah fasyalba

To love or not to love;
that is the question.

♥Her Strawberry Shortcakes

♥Her Fats

Her wishes
♥Eternal Love.

Her Life
My 2006 Blog
My 2007 Blog
My 2008 Blog
My Friendster

Her World



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Monday, March 30, 2009

dear mr & mrs bloggie…

I just came back from yea, LA. Batch mate Qian and I made use of our time together to do some retail therapy. My job there was to help her shop and choose clothes (her words exactly) but in the end, blast the stars it was me who ended up with more “unnecessary” paper bags. *slaps Qian’s arse*

And she still has the cheek to say her heart ached when she realized she was bout nine hundred bucks poorer. Yes, I know you are reading this so hmphf! that’s what you get when you… when you….nevermind…. what was the topic again? *hugs new bff tight tight*

In all fairness, I must give credit to Alfian, our colleague, for driving us the whole day and bringing us to Desert Hill where (gasp now) all the outlets were located. Need I say more…. A factory outlet equates to cheap bargains. The prices were slashed so much it was impossible to walk away empty-handed. Imagine a US$800 bag down to US$300++. Qian was made a happy girl aye. Suker lah tu!

Me? I was a tad sad that I didn’t get myself that Tod’s bag. Contemplated over it for quite sometime but urgh, it looked similar to my that bag. Though I'd like to add, it’s in blue. Uwekkkk….

Ok ok... My bad. Bimbo talk I suppose this is. Ho well, for what it’s worth, everything else, money was well-spent. The recession wouldn’t want it any other way. And I, ladies and gentlemen, need lotsa convincing, on my part. Heck, end of shallow talk.

Funny story this, regardless of the hype around, the only thing that I wanted to do was go home. You can say I was, *wry laugh* homesick. Ironically I miss my family and cousins like a lot. And also…..some other people. *hint* Been busy trying to spend time with everyone but 24hours each day just aint enough for me to spend time with everyone. Everyone please understand. Time is my friction and devotion, so..... so.

Wretchedly, now that I am finally home, all I wanna do is sleeeeep. Drat. Shameen senior, if you’re around…help me overcome my jetlag please!

Err.... and then.....
-the end-



Wednesday, March 25, 2009

dear mr & mrs bloggie…

I finally do have things to talk about here but time aint on my side.

So you can’t jolly well blame me ol me now.


Come on, show me some mercy. I'm a busy bumblebee.

I work at that company and spend so much time at work that my social life is just about a complete zero.

Now lemme do some butterfly magic.

Love me tender.



dear my baby>>>awk! i can always depend on you to put a smile on my face. gosh i miss poly days. saye nak lepak dgn monkeys monkeys kiter! and bitch about..... ehem ehem. and squeal when we see our crushies... omg i miss everything!!! "cik, macaroni goreng dua."

dear shameen>>> glad to noe u agree with me on dat. hurhur... and yea i link u too! say... fra-jfk awk nak tak? plssss say yes! (joiner tho)

dear cuz ctea>>> wah lan! u so hip and gorgeous. old young men all want u lah. hehe... runs in d family pe.... hmm.... nak agree ke tidak? :p

dear ramzah>>> hey thanks love. say... by any chance did u tag me last time on my 2007 blogspot? ur name rings a bell somehow. :) if yes, i remember u yo!

dear ayu>>> wah dah cantik ah makcik. rambut vogue seh!

dear inah>>> insyallah ye. i do hope to see u naik pelamin. mesti gah!

dear mirabelanne>>> thanks. noted.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

dear mr & mrs bloggie….

I agree with the saying "you are what you eat". I also happen to think you are what you dress.

One such occasion which supports my theory (no one is allowed to gain their say here so shut up) came about in a cab.

A sweet taxi driver (Kheh ok fine, an oxymoron I admit; sweet and taxi driver DO NOT belong in the same sentence) had me a tad thrilled when he asked me how I plan to spend my holidays, or somewhere along that line.
Note: The kids in Singapore are enjoying their one week school break.

Now on most days, topics on taxi drivers would end with the infamous “the nerve!” but this time all I can say is “the glory!”

The man thought I was 15-16 years old! What have you, people have always told me I looked my age or older but well, mistook me for a secondary student, heck, have the cows finally come home?!

When he asked me about my occupation, my answer had him turning his head 180° so quickly it was unlucky I sat behind. He was surprised, shocked even but not because of my occupation occupation, but because he didn’t thought I’d be old enough to support myself. Awww, how cute he.

I was wearing a simple t-shirt with shorts (and funny come to think of it-heels) that day and he thought I was a kid on the way to meet my ‘babes’.

Ho well, he got himself a hefty tip I can tell you that much. *chuckles*

Right.( =P)

This morning I wore my hood jacket and slippers, very casual and gasp! minimal make-up for training. Before heading towards the train station, I went to the store first to get me a pack of sticks.

The nice-no-short-of-a-lovely woman asked me for my ID to verify my age. I know! It has been quite awhile since someone last bothered to check on my age when it comes to matters of “18 and above”. Do I rock my own socks or do I just rock?

*dances dandily in her secondary three cheerleading outfit and raffia poms-poms*

Such thrilling news has to be shared here so I plead to you, come share this merry sentiment with me. I simply can’t finish this can of Jolly Shandy alone. (Get it? Only teenagers drink this back then. Since we're on the topics of teens. It’s a joke. Haha?)

Never mind.

In conclusion, from this day forth, I shall wear hip and casual-casual clothes to feel young. (And with God’s will, I pray and I pray, that I may also LOOK younger).

You are certainly what you dress, I hereby conclude.

Right Madonna?



Monday, March 16, 2009

dear mr & mrs bloggie…

Ok ok...

I went hiatus for far too long now. Truth be known, I was busy aye, still am, shall we say, as we speak.

Alhamdulilah, despite the recession, my days were spent overseas. Yes, those who are good in math should know what that means. Kheh.

And no, if I was under the impression that I was moping all day and all night, sorry to burst your bubble but twas not the case. My love life has turned haywire ever since I misused the word love. Sue me, I’m a lawsuit waiting to happen brada. Pardon pardon.

Hence, wallowing in self-pity is pretty much 2008. I now live day by day with a plastic smile on my face. A smile, nevertheless. Sums up to: I am fine, stop speculating.

I just got back from San Francisco. I boosted their economy with a tad of voluntary work on my part. LA end of this month and New York the following week. President Obama would definitely give me his personal salutations. You’re welcome boy. (I’d like to think I’m important as the next guy.) *grins*

It helped that Sue Ann, my batchmate, was there with me throughout the eight days in Frisco and Hong Kong. That’s why you didn’t hear me whine just yet. LA with batchmate Qian soon would be awesome pawsome too. Cant wait!

Syukur for everything.

Speaking of feeling blessed, I thank my lucky stars to have oh wonderful people to call my own. One such angel is my very own sister-in-law.

We had a “slumber party” the other night because my family was away (without me how dare they!) so I slept over her place. Brother was on night shift; sister-in-law and I practically had the whole house to ourselves.

With a super large mug of hot strawberry tea, the clock ticked away, along with our laughter, then some, and before long, it struck 8 in the morning. We yakked non-stop, believe you me.

It’s so uncanny how our taste in men, and to suffer at the choice, was so similar it’s a wonder we’re not of the same flesh and blood. Like me, she’s also the youngest in the family and ironically, our personality agrees on us hands down.

I chuckle as the word pops into my head. Shallow. How very apropos. It fits us to a T. Suffered the consequences we, but chose that path all the same. We concurred money aint that big a deal what when we chose other means of contentment. Personality, as such.

Ah, drifting to randomness already. Before I wander too far, can I bid my leave for now? Please? I promise there will be a more interesting entry to come. For now, be content with this. At least I write something, si?


Saturday, March 7, 2009

dear mr & mrs bloggie…

Do not call yourself a shopaholic unless you are Rebecca Bloomwood.

I, for one, am not.
Aye aye.
I just happen to believe in retail therapy.
*feigns a guilty cough*

I cried,
the mother of all irony,
when darling Becky had to give away her most precious possession.

Who would’ve thought?

If only my mother understands my relationship with shoes.

That reminds me. In San Francisco, if you do not shop, it is but a sin.

So fasyalba here have to abide by that commandment.

Bye now.

“Malls, Fasyalba here reporting for duty!”



Monday, March 2, 2009

dear Ferdaus,

I have avoided this subject for far too long now. I was too tired to pen the words and past memories had managed to conjure new pain. But being in denial definitely played the biggest role. I didn’t know I could be such a bitch until I met you. Wait, that didn’t sound right. I was always a bitch. Allow me to correct that. I didn’t know I could be a heartbreaker until I met you. No inkling, not an iota trust me, hurting you was the last thing on my mind. I was not used to having a guy dote on me so much that it made me realize that a guy sweet like you couldn’t possibly be chasing a girl like me- You, so proper and well-mannered, like a placid purity of an angel and I, just another vulgar girl making her way in this world. Yet, you did. You wanted me, knowing my “reputation” and all. Even when your friend spread vicious rumors about me, I swear not one bit was true, you desired me. I asked HIM what did I do to deserve you and why did I let you go, knowing you were everything every girl could ever wished for. I was the ultimate fool, the biggest loser. I couldn’t lie to you, see. I couldn’t pretend to act normal when even YOU know my heart was always torn into two. Knowing from scratch I love both you and him, the ex. Yes, he existed then he definitely existed now. I couldn’t feign hatred for a guy who’s my bestfriend. I needed him as much as I needed you. I couldn’t fulfill your wish when you asked me to forget him. I thought I could but no. In a flash, I made up my mind. This was a no-lose situation. Not a win-win, too. In all honesty this deemed fit as a "no-lose-further" situation. I have already lost. I chose neither. We can never be happy my love, for as long as I am this confused, what we have and had is a make-believe manifestation of love. Detrimental one might consider. I wish I could be the girl you left behind when you made your way to Taiwan. But that girl died when she realized her true feelings. The girl disappeared as the weeks went by. I guess the phrase “It’s not you, it’s me” showed its true significant meaning now. After all, you were heaven sent yet I let you go. Don’t ask me for the reason again because even mere strangers can explain to you now, in a heartbeat, why.

Should you read my entries in the near future and there I would be pouring my sorrows out in this blog, I beg you, I plead to you, do gloat and laugh at me. Not only do I deserve such treatment, it’s only fair. I’m sorry D. I truly am. Any girl would be lucky to have you. I was the stupid blind one. Believe me, if we have met years back, perhaps things would be different. But then again, I guess you wouldn’t even give me a second glance. Let’s not begin to ponder such ridicule. Be happy Ferdaus. You are a good man.

p/s: And please accept the birthday gift(s). Once again, Happy Belated Birthday you. ILY.