farah fasyalba

To love or not to love;
that is the question.

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♥Eternal Love.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

dear mr & mrs bloggie…

Karma does its work in obvious ways. I’m sure that’s the beauty of it. Finally I can gloat and mock one such person who used to think she’s better than me when it comes to matters of the dark-literally.

See, I’m afraid of the dark. When I am alone at home, all the lights are switched on; which of course on some days I even have the television in each bedroom to have its volume full blast. Overseas, my hotel rooms fail to doom 'in' gloom. They are lit with every working bulb, God bless Thomas Edison for his wonderful invention. Just so you know my prayers can be heard from all the four walls. I’m sure you guys can very well imagine this. I am a scared lil kitten. Purrr.

Being afraid of the dark also makes me afraid to sleep alone at home. Despite having a room of my own, decorated and all, I choose to share a bed with Sister, and God knows when she is away, I sleep in between Father and Mother in their master bedroom. Their loud protests fall on deaf ears because you simply do not ignore a damsel in distress, you just don’t, if you take my meaning. In any fashion, a night light is a must and mind, we’re not talking bout the small one, but one that illuminates the whole room. The brighter the better-the safer. Anyone second that?

Anyway I digress….. So all this while, Sister has been a bitch and nags at me for wasting electricity. To the devil, she doesn’t care about my fear of darkness. (When she wants to be evil), if I happen to be asleep in the wee hours of the night, she will switch off all the lights. And knowing my small bladder, at three in the morning I will wake up (to pee) with darkness greeting me eerily. Gawd it is ssssscccaaarrrryyyyy, to say the least.

Now that’s about to change. *evil laughs*

Last Thursday, she had herself her first close encounter with the woman-in-white. (Note: Da Ghost. Eeks!)

She was out with her friends when she heard a feminine sweet laughter that had left chills down her spine. That was her first indeed. Poor thing. Hah. When she got into the car, her friend reassured her that Ehem did not follow them. But! she wish. Apparently, when they got home her lovely friend told her Ehem was behind the car all along, tagging them from behind. Now aint that a sight to behold.

True to her character, my sister cowers like a cowardy custard now, putting mine to shame. Who's the twit who is shamefully wasting the electricity these past few days??
You can say her new anxiety is the perfect antidote for my faint heart. It’s a good distraction, just what the doctor ordered. Ha ha sisterrrr.

Karma’s a bitch. Don’t you just hate it when that happens?


