farah fasyalba

To love or not to love;
that is the question.

♥Her Strawberry Shortcakes

♥Her Fats

Her wishes
♥Eternal Love.

Her Life
My 2006 Blog
My 2007 Blog
My 2008 Blog
My Friendster

Her World



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Thursday, October 29, 2009

dear mr & mrs bloggie…

People who don’t blog find it an unproductive hobby to write about personal daily rants and post photos on the website. Of course, as a writer of my own blogdrive/wordpress/blogspot for four years, I strongly beg to differ.

You see…

Days ago, I “found” a storybook by the famous Sophie Kinsella called ‘Remember me?’

To summarize the story, it’s about a lady who had a car accident and she lost the last three years of her memory. Amnesia, in other words. A total blank, as if those years have not existed. Imagine that ladies and gentlemen.

Well, I did. Just the thought of it had sent shivers down my spine. And it made me wonder….

It is the year 2006. I am 20 years old schooling in Singapore Polytechnic. I have a happy family, albeit that I am always fighting with my father. I have a boyfriend to call my own and a pair of jeans is like second skin to me, in any fashion.

I am always broke. Having to pay the school fees with my own money, I work in a shoe shop called Substance. The plan is to go NIE to be a teacher after I graduate from poly. Set.

I am loving my blonde highlights on my short bob-layered hair. And oh, I am sooo having thousands of crushes in school. If only they look my way….

Bham! Suddenly it’s 2009.

What? I am flying?! I thought I’m supposed to be a teacher! Seriously though, they actually hired me to become a Singapore Girl??

Hey, I actually bought myself Prada(s). Fuck! LV too???

OMG. You’re kidding… I broke up with him? For real?!

No way…. I actually saw the statue of Liberty with my own eyes?! Awesome.

Look! My boobs are… oh wait… they’re still of the same size
. -_-

Ahhh… were it only so. Pfft.

In all seriousness, I ask myself… if my mentality was still that of a 20 year-old girl, would I like what I see now…?

As the truth reveals…. I daresay, I love this ‘new’ life, despite it being a culture shock I could only picture. Because yes, my heart was broken but I do count my lucky stars it’s not permanently damaged. After all, am I not here now standing on my own two feet?

In a way, I do have a stable job. Bank account’s beaming, even. I never would have thought in a million years I was worthy of a job only some could dream about.

With hindsight, I am more independent, a damper if 2006 me was alive. I literally have seen the world. And above it all, I still have a happy family (father and I have a mutual understanding now). Cousins are basically still my best friends. Not to mention, my baby Ina is around for me, as we speak.

And who’s to deny the fact that I could afford dates as “flavor of the month”, and make them be known as my statistics? We’re talking geeky and unpretty Fasyalba here. Me, three years ago was too devoted to one. And stupid, if I’d say so myself.

I wouldn’t believe all these would have happened to me if I didn’t have a blog. The words were written and the photos were posted. I saw with each entry how much I have grown and how matured I have handled the nuts and bolts of my being. My love life has deteriorated but faith still stands. Such is my destiny.

To my humble standards, I have achieved quite tremendously, even you must agree hey.

Hence, let it be known, should one sweet day do I have amnesia, at least this blog is proof I have gone through a whole damn lot. Aplenty.

But my proudest moment I must say is to know throughout the years, I am only a devoted writer to my two most important readers.


mr & mrs bloggie. Awww…

Before I end, here are some pictures I would like to show you.

For memory sake of course. Ehem.

Isn't it about time you blog?
Heh heh heh.

